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What do you need to pay attention to when using the CIJ printer

  • Release time:2024-03-27 11:37:56


Most of the CIJ printers' consumables use ketone - or alcohol-based inks, mostly cleaning fluids such as acetone and alcohol. So pay attention to the following 11 points when using:

1. Many CIJ printer ink contains nitrocellulose as a binder, so it is very flammable when drying, and it will produce oxygen when burning, so it is best to use cooling methods. For example, water is a better choice.

2. In the cable factory and other large electrical equipment enterprises, it should prepare the ups continuous power supply, to prevent printers' work is not chaotic if power damage.

3. Any used cleaning materials, are fire hazards. For example, tissue for wiping, etc, must be taken over in time after use and handled in a safe way.

4. Poor grounding may cause CIJ printer ink point splitting is not good, poor printing quality and other problems, so the use of printer must be grounded.

5. Most CIJ printer ink contains components that can easily volatilize and can be inhaled into the lungs, so it must be ensured that it can work in a good ventilated environment.

6. If the grounding is not good, the static electricity accumulation of the printer may cause sparks to a certain extent, causing a fire.

7. Do not use water to extinguish the fire caused by electrical appliances. If it is necessary to use water to extinguish the fire caused by nitrocellulose CIJ printer ink, you must first disconnect the power.

8. CIJ printer is different from and other equipments. Its principle is to rely on electrostatic deflection, so it must be well grounded.

9. If CIJ printer's insurance is burned out, please be sure to replace the same specifications of the fuse. Contact with suppliers to maintenance.

10. If accidentally dropped the CIJ printer ink or solvent in the eyes, please quickly wash with a large amount of water for 15 minutes. If you still feel unwell after cleaning, please seek medical attention immediately.

11. The chemical reagents of the printer consumables are flammable and explosive products, so in the process of use, we must be careful to prevent fire.

CIJCOD has been focusing on the design, R & D, production, sales and service of coding machines and CIJ printers parts & ink. As for coding machines, CIJCOD is specialized in CIJ, TIJ, DOD machines and other printers. As for CIJ printers parts & ink, CIJCOD is specialized in Domino Printer, Markem Imaje, Videojet, Willett, Linx, KGK, Leibinger, Citronix and Hitachi Printer parts & ink.

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