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What factors will affect the CIJ printer printing effect

  • Release time:2024-03-27 11:29:20


1. Affected by the environment.

Due to the reasons of some enterprises' production line, there may be some dust in the production process. And the long-term work will lead to the dust entering the nozzle when the CIJ printers printing, causing the nozzle to block and the printing effect is not good.

Solution: Clean the CIJ printer nozzle and perform nozzle flushing. Rinse the nozzle thoroughly to ensure that the recovery tank is clean. Do a good job of dust prevention in the place where the printer is installed.

2. The charging value is not set accurately.

Due to some enterprises' own reasons, system parameters of the CIJ printer need to be adjusted, and sometimes the charging value is not set, resulting in the printing effect not fully appearing, or only half appearing.

Solution: Reset the correct charging value.

3. CIJ Printer Ink problems.

It is not ruled out that some enterprises will use the CIJ printer ink not provideded by the printer provider for convenience. Then the printing effect is very poor, or the printer has some problems. If more seriously, it will affect the work.

Solution: Completely clean the nozzle and replace the ink of of the CIJ printer.

4. Temperature problem.

Some CIJ printer inks, which are not high temperature resistent or low temperature resistent inks, are used in a high or low temperature environment will inevitably have poor printing effect.

Solution: Before using the ink, please ask the printer supplier whether the ink can be used in a high or low temperature environment, and there will generally be such ink. If some enterprises only work in a high or low temperature environment for a short period of time, and do not want to use those special inks, then do a good job of temperature control near the CIJ printer.

CIJCOD has been focusing on the design, R & D, production, sales and service of coding machines and CIJ printers parts & ink. As for coding machines, CIJCOD is specialized in CIJ, TIJ, DOD machines and other printers. As for CIJ printers parts & ink, CIJCOD is specialized in Domino Printer, Markem Imaje, Videojet, Willett, Linx, KGK, Leibinger, Citronix and Hitachi Printer parts & ink.

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